CCIG continues its efforts to carry out several training activities for local human rights defenders and international NGO representatives. In accordance with its 2018 – 2022 Strategy and Action Plan, CCIG intends to foster a quality contribution by NGOs in the UN system through a complete and successful exercise of their consultative status. Accordingly, CCIG offers training courses and theoretical-practical seminars for NGO members as well as other attendees interested in receiving specified training on United Nations mechanisms for the protection and promotion of human rights.
In 2018 CCIG offered several trainings tailored to the thematic priorities and expertise of the beneficiaries. In February, upon request of the Fondation Apprentis d’Auteuil, one-day training was addressed to the advocacy officers of the Foundation, aiming to stimulate a reflection on concrete actions to implemente its Strategic Advocacy Plan.
Moreover, in March, a three-days training session was organized for 12 NGO representatives of El Foro de entidades de derechos humanos y paz del País Vasco, fostering opportunities for meeting experts in the field of human rights and Sustainable Development Goals, as well as the OHCHR UPR Branch and other stakeholders.
Finally, in the framework of its collaboration with the UNESCO Extea Center for Basque Country, CCIG facilitated two one-week trainings on United Nations mechanisms for the promotion and protection of Human Rights, which took place in Geneva in March and September 2018, in conjunction with the 37th and 39th sessions of the Human Rights Council.
Both training sessions were addressed to professionals working in the field of Arts education and cultural rights. In particular, the March session also offered the opportunity to organized the side event titled “Arts and Cultural Education as a Right”. For further information on the side event, click here.