On November 25, 2020, a video-conference about the new encyclical of Pope Francis, « Fratelli Tutti » was organised by the CCIG and the Formation Service of the Catholic Church of Geneva.
It was facilitated by Diana Rizzolio, the Coordinator of the Geneva Environment Network of the UN Environment Program and Guillermo Kerber who works for the Service of Formation of the Catholic Church and teaches at the Atelier Œcuménique de Théologie of Geneva. Ms. Rizzolio is currently the Vice President of the CCIG Board of Directors while Mr. Kerber is a former CCIG Board member.
They discussed the central themes of the recent social encyclical which are: fraternity, social friendship, dialogue, culture of encounter and good politics. A presentation of the structure and a synthesis of the 8 chapters were made as a way of encouraging the participants to discover and read the encyclical. The encyclical follows what Pope Francis had said, “the signs of the times clearly show that human fraternity and care of creation form the sole way towards integral development and peace, already indicated by the Popes Saints John XXIII, Paul VI and John Paul II.” They affirm that this document of the Pope is an encouragement and a reminder to Catholic Inspired Organizations in their continuous engagement with human rights institution in the international and local levels.
There were 15 participants among them members of the CCIG and the pastoral agents of the Catholic Church of Geneva. For more information, please check the following Vatican Site of the Fratelli Tutti.