In the framework of the PNG project, the CCIG developed a human rights awareness-raising initiative on the ground. Broadcasts were organized through national radio in PNG to address the four thematic priorities of the joint UPR submission presented to the UN by a local coalition of 16 NGOs with the support of CCIG and several of its members.
The choice to use radio shows as a raising-awareness tool was based on the fact that the radio remains a very effective means to reach a wider audience in countries like PNG where a large part of the population does not have easy access to the internet. For each recording, a participant from the local NGO coalition was invited to share his or her expertise with the topic at hand.
Thus, four radio shows were organized:
- On 22nd November 2021 on the issue of children’s rights with the participation of Casper Damien from PNG Council of Churches.
- On 26th November 2021 on the issue of women’s rights with the participation of Sister Alice Fulgencio from Daughters of Mary Help of Christians (IIMA PNG).
- On 3rd December 2021 on the issue of people with disabilities with the participation of Loamin Penias from Callan Services for Persons with Disabilities National Unit.
- On 9th December 2021 on the issue of environmental protection with the participation of Lucielle Paru and Mesia Novau from Papua Native Landowners Association inc.
This radio sensitization activity constituted a great opportunity to join forces with several CCIG members as well as other local partners in PNG.