On May 23, 2022, following its annual General Assembly, the CCIG held the webinar “Responses to the Triple Planetary Environmental Crisis”.
Diana Rizzolio, Coordinator of the Geneva Environment Network of the United Nations Environment Programme, and Vice President of the CCIG Board of Directors, presented the triple crisis of climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution that our planet is facing.
The webinar provided an opportunity to discuss the international community’s responses to these crises, including recently adopted resolutions and publications, how members of CCIG and beyond are mobilizing, and ways to become more engaged in the process in place.
The video recording of the webinar is available at this link.
Moreover, please find below links to some of the information shared during the webinar and other relevant links:
On Chemicals and Waste: https://www.genevaenvironmentnetwork.org/resources/updates/developing-a-global-science-policy-body-on-chemicals-and-waste/
On Plastics and Environment: https://www.genevaenvironmentnetwork.org/resources/updates/plastics-and-the-environment/
Laudato Si Week 2022: https://laudatosiweek.org/allevents/