Through a Christian commitment shared with its members, CCIG searches for solutions to the political and socio-economic problems of our time while paying particular attention to the dignity of every human being and for the common good of all.

Former Board members

Larry has been an active member of the CCIG Board for the past 7 years.

He has extensive knowledge and operational experience related to the labour and social dimensions of energy and environmental policies. During his career at the International Labour Office (1974-2005) he developed, co-ordinated and assisted in the implementation of a wide range of research programmes, major conferences and operational activities related to petroleum, energy, environment and sustainable development. During two major leaves of absence from the ILO he was (a) Executive Director of the International Human Dimensions Program on Global Change in Bonn, Germany where he re-launched and re-structured this interdisciplinary research program which brings together both natural and social scientists as part of the Global Environmental Change community (1997-1999); and (b) Executive Director of the International Council for Science (ICSU-Paris, 2000-2001) where one of his priorities was to further promote and develop interdisciplinary research programs concerning new and rapidly evolving scientific issues, e.g. climate change, and also significantly enhanced ICSU’s leadership role within the UN’s Science and Technology Community. He was awarded a Ph. D from the School of Advanced International Studies of The Johns Hopkins University