CCIG delivers training on advocacy strategies for Civil Society organizations within the UPR mechanism

The CCIG was invited to give a UPR mechanism training in Geneva on June 12, 2023. The session contributed to the 3-day Summer University event “Human Rights, Education and Sustainability”, which was organized by OIDEL in collaboration with the University of Geneva. The training was delivered to local activists and professionals working in the educational sector. The participants comprised a diverse group, hailing from countries including Norway, Spain, Togo, the United Arab Emirates, and the United States.

Throughout the training, which included a comprehensive explanation of the UPR process and its functioning within the UN Human Rights system, participants were given targeted information on their ability to contribute to the UPR as Civil Society actors. Accordingly, the presentation broke down key phases of the UPR in order to emphasize opportunities for Civil Society engagement within the UPR cycle. Among these were pre-session advocacy actions, drafting of UPR submissions (for which the process was outlined), delivery of oral statements at the Human Rights Council, and monitoring and follow-up of UPR recommendations at the local level.

Overall, the training allowed participants to increase their competency in working within the UPR mechanism. This is in line with the CCIG’s goals of improving the efficacy of Civil Society organizations’ work toward the advancement of human rights.