The 16th International Fair Trade Towns Conference will be held in Glarus Nord, Switzerland, this September. This will be an opportunity for groups across the world who have made the Fair Trade commitment to come together, share experiences and learn from each other.
In 2022, the CCIG joined the Fair Trade Town campaign. The aim of this campaign is for public authorities to promote the use of fair trade products (for example in schools, restaurants or administrations), and also for a certain number of shops, restaurants, hotels, companies and associations to commit to using at least three fair trade products. The CCIG has decided to make this commitment in our own office, for example by using fair trade products during our coffee breaks.
Despite the international vocation of its mission, it is important to the CCIG to remain rooted in the Swiss and Genevan local reality. By joining this campaign, the CCIG is helping to give visibility to local initiatives for sustainability, and we encourage all our members and partners to do the same!