CCIG Offers UPR Training to Civil Society Actors

On 18 June 2024, CCIG provided a training on the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) mechanism as part of the four-day program Summer University on “Human Rights, Education, and Sustainability” offered by OIDEL in partnership with the University of Geneva. The training was offered to a group of 25 participants composed of education professionals, university students, and local civil society leaders, coming from an array of countries, including Spain, Portugal, England, Ireland, the USA, and Costa Rica.

CCIG Secretary General Maria D’Onofrio began her presentation with an overview of the UN mechanisms for human rights. She then offered an in-depth explanation of the UPR process, underscoring the significance of this mechanism as a review that involves all Member States as equals and allows any human rights issue to be addressed. She then highlighted the opportunities for Civil Society participation in each stage of the process, including through submitting a written report prior to the review, lobbying Member States to put forth recommendations, making an oral statement during the adoption of UPR outcomes at the Human Rights Council, and conducting monitoring and follow-up of implementation on the ground.

This training session furthered the work of CCIG’s UPR Platform to offer logistical and technical support to NGOs in order to increase Civil Society participation in the UPR process, rendering the mechanism a more effective tool for enacting human rights. Through this session, a diverse group of local actors learned about the essential role that Civil Society plays in UN human rights mechanisms and was empowered to participate in the UPR process in their own human rights advocacy work.