Geneva, Switzerland. On 12 November 2015, at the Church of Saint Clotilde, the International Catholic Center of Geneva (CCIG) and the parish of Saint Clotilde commemorated the ratification of the International Labor Organizations Convention No. 189 concerning domestic workers by Switzerland. The event focused on recognizing the growing number of domestic workers and the rights of these workers as outlined by the ILO’s convention. Mr. Pascal Gondrand, CCIG Board member and Parish Council member commenced the activities, followed by speeches by the president of the parish council Ms. Sandra Golay, president of the CCIG Mr. Félix Wertli and a blessing by Father Miguel Dalla Vecchia. The Swiss ratification of this convention is providing an important step to promote the well being of domestic workers not only in local parish communities and in the greater Geneva, but a
lso internationally. Geneva is an international city, which holds international influence for domestic workers and employers globally, who should be aware and promote accessibility of these rights. The CCIG for years has been interested and promoted the importance of the ILO’s International Labor Conference, in particular rights of domestic workers.The CCIG’s continuous effort have included organizing and planning NGO consultations, earlier this year the “From Informal to Formal Economy: Ensuring More Just and Decent Conditions of Work” and in 2012, the “Building a Future with Decent Work: Youth Employment and Domestic Workers”. The CCIG will to continue to promote equal treatment of domestic workers by striving to foster acceptance and implementation of Convention No. 189, not only in their own city, but also in the international community.
Corresponding with this event, CCIG and Saint Clotilde have produced French and English brochures incorporating Convention No. 189, its governance in Geneva and personal accounts of advocates and workers. Additionally, CCIG and Saint Clotilde created a checklist available in French, English, Portuguese and Spanish as a resource to inform workers and employers of their rights.