CCIG continues its efforts to carry out several training activities for local human rights defenders and international NGOs. In accordance with its capacity building program, CCIG’s goal is to foster a quality contribution by NGOs in the UN system through a complete and successful exercise of their consultative status. Accordingly, CCIG offers training courses and theoretical-practical seminars for NGO members as well as other attendees interested in receiving specified training on United Nations mechanisms for the protection and promotion of human rights. Depending on the thematic priorities and expertise of the beneficiaries, CCIG can design training sessions with a specific focus suited to their needs. The specific objective of our training is to strengthen the advocacy capacity of civil society organizations and to support them in engaging with the UN System, especially through advocating for specific human rights issues and through the monitoring of recommendations issued by UN bodies.
Last CCIG’s training session was held in Paris (France) on October 2, 2014, upon request of the Fondation Apprentis d’Auteuil. Addressed to the international team, the training aimed at introducing the United Nations System for the promotion and protection of Human Rights, focusing on the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) and Civil Society’s participation vis-à-vis this mechanism recently established by the UN Human Rights Council.
Following the establishment of its UPR Platform, CCIG has developed a specific expertise in assisting NGOs willing to build and/or enhance their actions within the UPR process.
Upcoming training sessions will be organized by CCIG in October – November in collaboration with its members.
If you would like to participate in future training sessions or are interested in learning more about them, please contact CCIG secretariat.