Through a Christian commitment shared with its members, CCIG searches for solutions to the political and socio-economic problems of our time while paying particular attention to the dignity of every human being and for the common good of all.

Fighting Modern-Day Slavery : CCIG Supports FMSI Local Endeavors
On 29 May 2024, the Marist Foundation for International Solidarity (FMSI) and the Secretariat of Solidarity of the Marist Brothers’ Institute hosted an online event entitled “Unveiling Modern-Day Slavery: A Marist Event for Awareness and Action.” The webinar brought together a range of speakers to discuss the issue of modern

CCIG contributes to the Event “Right to be Children”
On November 20, 2023, the CCIG was invited to intervene as speaker in the hybrid event “Right to be Children” held in Rome (Italy) by the Marist Foundation for International Solidarity ETS (FMSI) in collaboration with the Secretariat for Solidarity of the Marist Brothers Institute. As part of the celebration

CCIG Joins Fair Trade Town Campaign
The 16th International Fair Trade Towns Conference will be held in Glarus Nord, Switzerland, this September. This will be an opportunity for groups across the world who have made the Fair Trade commitment to come together, share experiences and learn from each other. In 2022, the CCIG joined the Fair

Informal exchange on Human Rights in Colombia
In accordance with its goals, the CCIG has continued its commitment to human rights awareness-raising through the organization of webinars and online events. This year, following the resumption of in-person meetings, the CCIG hosted an informal discussion with Msgr. Héctor Fabio Henao, delegate of the Episcopal Conference of Colombia (CEC)

CCIG Webinar – “Responses to the Triple Planetary Environmental Crisis”
On May 23, 2022, following its annual General Assembly, the CCIG held the webinar “Responses to the Triple Planetary Environmental Crisis”. Diana Rizzolio, Coordinator of the Geneva Environment Network of the United Nations Environment Programme, and Vice President of the CCIG Board of Directors, presented the triple crisis of climate

An open dialogue on “Fratelli Tutti”
On November 25, 2020, a video-conference about the new encyclical of Pope Francis, « Fratelli Tutti » was organised by the CCIG and the Formation Service of the Catholic Church of Geneva. It was facilitated by Diana Rizzolio, the Coordinator of the Geneva Environment Network of the UN Environment Program

Geneva, 23 September 2018 – The Roman Catholic Parish of Saint Clotilde (Geneva) and the International Catholic Center of Geneva organize a “Grand Concert” for Equality
Geneva, 23 September 2018 – The Roman Catholic Parish of Saint Clotilde (Geneva) and the International Catholic Center of Geneva organize a “Grand Concert” for Equality The Roman Catholic Parish of Saint Clotilde (Geneva) and the International Catholic Center of Geneva organized a “Grand Concert” for equality, which took place

Vincentian Family Exhibition at the Palais des Nations
The International Catholic Center of Geneva (CCIG) is pleased to inform you of the exhibition organized by the Vincentian Family (Famvin) on the occasion of the 400th anniversary of the organization. This exhibition is taking place at “La Passerelle” in the Palais des Nations, from September 18th to 23rd, 2017.The Famvin gathers

In Preparation for a Treaty: CCIG Hosts Conference on Human Rights Abuses by Transnational Corporations
Geneva – On Monday, October 24th, CCIG co-organized an evening conference at the Geneva Press Club entitled: “In Preparation for a Treaty: Calling for Constructive Dialogue and Joint Action,” on the occasion of the second session of the Open-ended intergovernmental working group on transnational corporations (TNCs) and other business enterprises

Business and Human Rights: how to ensure that human dignity is at the center of the decision making process?
In the framework of the 3rd UN Annual Forum on Business and Human Rights, a conference titled “Improving Access To Remedy In Extractive Industries”, was organized on December 2 by CCIG together with ACT Alliance, Al-Haq, CAFOD, Caritas Genève, CIDSE, Fastenopfer and Franciscans International. The event, moderated by Ms. Ana

Meeting at CCIG on the 3P Plan
Tuesday 13 May 2014 Dr Noel Patterson met with NGO representatives at CCIG’s office in Geneva to discuss his 3P Plan, which aims to address three major issues facing the world today: peace, poverty and pollution. Dr Patterson discussed how the 3P Plan would tackle global poverty and pollution while

CCIG Conference “Opportunités et Défis des ONG aux Nations Unies”
CCIG Conference “Opportunités et Défis des ONG aux Nations Unies” 20 May 2014 at 18h30 On the occasion of CCIG’s General Assembly, a conference titled, “Opportunités et Défis des ONG aux Nations Unies” will be held on 20 May 2014 at 18h30 at 1 rue de Varembé (ground floor), Geneva.

Due Diligence and Access to Remedy in the Context of Extractive Industries
In conjunction with the 2nd UN Annual Forum on Business and Human Rights, a conference on “Addressing Justice, Due Diligence and Access to Remedy in the Context of Extractive Industries: Cases in the Philippines, Mozambique, Southern Africa, Palestine and Thailand” was organized by CCIG, Franciscans International, Fastenopfer, Misereor, ACT Alliance

CCIG facilitated meeting with delegates from the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity at the World Council of Churches
On Monday, 18 February 2013 an impressive number of representatives of the CCIG member organizations and Catholic NGOs that are in some way or other related to the CCIG accepted the invitation to attend Catholic Vespers followed by a reception on the premises of the World Council of Churches (WCC).