Who we are

The International Catholic Center of Geneva (or Centre Catholique International de Genève – CCIG) is a non-profit organisation created in 1950 and regulated by the requirement of Article 60 and following of the Swiss Civil Code. The CCIG obtained Special Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) in 2015.


The International Catholic Centre of Geneva was created in 1950 to embody the true solidarity of all Christians with the entire human family in the midst of the international organisations of Geneva.

Our Mission

Through a Christian commitment shared with its members, CCIG searches for solutions to the political and socio-economic problems of our time while paying particular attention to the dignity of every human being and for the common good of all.

Our Objectives

CCIG wishes to be the catalyst for NGO commitment, in particular Catholic inspired NGOs, within the United Nations System. The main objective is to make the best and most effective use of ECOSOC Consultative Status.

« The joy, the hope, the distress and also the anguish of human beings today and in particular of the poor, of those who suffer, are also the joys, hopes and anguish of Christ’s disciples so that anything human is bound to echo in
our hearts.

The Pastoral Constitution of the Church in the Modern World
(Gaudium et Spes, No 1, 1965)